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Newton 'G' Ball | New York Demonstration Lever Balance | Monkey and Hunter Set, Physics |
Catalog #: 585-15
Catalog #: 510-20
Catalog #: KT641-35
Our price: $36.50
Our price: $27.50
Our price: $168.50
Maxwells Wheel Physics | Marble Launcher | Loop The Loop Triple Track |
Catalog #: 587-1
Catalog #: 641-20
Catalog #: 640-10
Our price: $19.95
Our price: $89.50
Our price: $52.50
Loop The Loop Graduated | Loop The Loop Deluxe | Knife Edge Clamp |
Catalog #: 640-15
Catalog #: 640-5
Catalog #: 510
Our price: $42.50
Our price: $28.50
Our price: $2.25
Inertia Balance | Inertia Apparatus | Inertia Apparatus |
Catalog #: 639-8
Catalog #: 639-1
Catalog #: 639-5
Our price: $22.50
Our price: $9.80
Our price: $11.25
Inclined Plane Deluxe with Halls Carriage | Inclined Plane Basic with Hanger & Halls Carriage | Inclined Plane Basic |
Catalog #: 608-2
Catalog #: 608-12
Catalog #: 608-10
Our price: $49.50
Our price: $36.50
Our price: $29.50
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